High School
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College Entrance Exams
Every year, Seton students trend stronger than the average.
2023 SAT Scores
National Average
Seton Average
2023 ACT Scores
National Average
Seton Average
Seton provides an ideal preparation for college or university studies, and Seton students have had remarkable success with acceptance at universities and in receiving scholarships and financial aid.
The Seton Diploma
Student Life
Seton Home Study School distinguishes itself from other home education providers by offering ways for students to interact and develop a strong academic and social life that enriches their school years and prepares them for life after graduation.
The Value of Your Enrollment
Your enrollment provides you with much more than just a box of books. It provides an accredited education, a strong support system, and a community of staff and homeschoolers who are in your corner. It provides access to academic and support counseling, grading and record keeping, and a solid Catholic curriculum that promotes strong Catholic values in each and every subject.
Catholic Materials
All of our books and materials are thoroughly Catholic, from beginning to end.