U.S. Government Online
Catholic Homeschool High School Course

U.S. Government Online addresses the theoretical and practical aspects of the government of the United States from a Catholic perspective. It evaluates America’s federal, state, and local governments in light of Catholic morality and social teachings which means that the way government functions is gauged by the effect it has on the Church and society.

This course addresses the Framer’s intent in creating America’s government. It examines what the authors of the Constitution and the other laws that govern our nation meant when they created those laws. The course contains numerous sections of The Federalist Papers which most people consider the finest explanation of the U.S. Constitution ever written. Students will also read sections of Supreme Court opinions which have shaped America’s government.

Finally, the course traces the development and growth of government, often contrasting what the Founders intended with the way things actually are today and how they became that way. Students will study the executive, legislative, and judicial branches of the federal government and their roles in domestic and foreign policy. Students will also study state and local government and the relationship of those governments to the federal government as well as individual citizens.

This course differs from the other U. S. government courses in that it is a ½ credit and only available online. Second, it has 18 chapters each with a twenty-five-question multiple-choice test. There are no essays.

SOC432 |  Credit: 1/2  |  Juniors and Seniors only

Exclusively Online

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