Code of Conduct
In all areas of learning, discipline must be considered in the development of the whole person. The Seton Code of Conduct is based on the Gospel message of Jesus. Growth in self-discipline, a responsibility for Catholic moral values, and a loving respect for the rights of everyone is encouraged by the Code of Conduct. To achieve these ends, parents, students, and the faculty of Seton Home Study School must work together to create a Catholic homeschool environment. These basic components include:
- Parents have a right and a responsibility to teach their children
- Students have a right and a responsibility to learn from their parents
Seton Home Study School observes this Code of Conduct because it is built on fundamental Catholic teachings. The role of the staff and faculty is to work with the students and parents to assist the students in developing a strong Christian attitude toward life.
Based upon Catholic moral values and loving respect for others taught by Jesus, students and parents:
- will be honest and dedicated to integrity.
- will be respectful and courteous toward all teachers, parents, and adults.
- will refrain from harassment of any kind.
- will use appropriate language.
- will speak respectfully to and about others.
- will strive to complete their assignments in a timely manner.
- will refrain from any deliberate disruption of Seton Home Study School.
- will not give or receive unauthorized assistance on tests, quizzes, or assignments.
- will, at all times, whether at home, while home schooling, or in the community, conduct themselves in a manner which reflects Catholic values and principles.
As it is impossible to foresee all problems that may arise, the Seton handbook empowers the faculty and administration to take disciplinary action for any behavior that violates the spirit, philosophy, and code of conduct of Seton Home Study School, even though not specified.
Use of Disciplinary Action
In cases where a student or parent is continually disruptive toward Seton or in the case of a single serious disciplinary infraction, the staff member will apprise the principal/administration of the situation. The staff member will assist in the development of a course of action to be taken to correct the situation.
Students or parents who violate the Seton’s Code of Conduct can expect disciplinary action. Each offense will be dealt with on an individual basis according to the nature of the infraction and the severity of the case. Repeated infractions can result in more serious consequences, including expulsion, but there is no requirement for progressive discipline.
Seton Home Study School Honor Code
Seton Home Study School students and parents will contribute to the Christ-like spirit that is at the heart of the Seton Home School community. Therefore, all Seton students will act honorably at all times to promote the dignity of all human persons.
The following honor code applies to all Seton Home Study students and parents.
In the event that Seton believes that cheating, plagiarism, or lying have taken place, the school will contact the parent who should take appropriate action. Ongoing offenses make the student subject to expulsion.
Starting in Grade 7, all students will write and sign the following honor code on all assignments submitted to Seton: “On my honor, I promise that I have not given nor received unauthorized help with this assignment.”
Consequences: Use of Disciplinary Action
Each offense will be dealt with on an individual basis. Penalties may include a failing grade for the particular assignment, a failing grade for the course, and/or other penalties up to and including expulsion.
Expulsion may result when one or all of the following are present:
- a serious infraction of school rules occurs;
- the student has demonstrated continuing disregard of school rules for which other means of discipline have proven ineffectual;
- the student’s continued presence in the school is considered by school officials to be a serious hindrance to the safety or welfare of the school community;
- a parent repeatedly or seriously violates proper school protocol, and/or displays disrespectful, disruptive or harassing behavior toward teachers or toward school staff.
If the school believes it necessary to expel a student, the principal/administration will notify the student’s parents.
In the event of an expulsion no refunds will be granted.
Lying Defined
- Creating or altering a source of information for an assignment
- Lying to counselors or graders
- Using a computer or any technology to falsify information
- Forging a signature
Cheating Defined
- Copying information from another student’s quiz, test, or assignment
- Communicating in any way with another student during a quiz or test
- Providing answers to another student for his quiz, test, or assignment
- Sharing answers for a Seton assignment with a student who has yet to take the quiz or test
- Using unauthorized assistance, such as notes, books, lesson plans, or Internet during a quiz or test
- Submitting a full or partial assignment produced by someone else
Plagiarizing Defined
- Using any exact phrases or ideas of an external book, website, or work of criticism without quotation marks and/or proper citation (External means any material not specifically provided to you by Seton)
- Using any exact words or ideas from an external source or paraphrasing an external source on assignments that do not permit the use of external resources
- Using any exact wording from the lesson plans or My Seton online resources. The Seton resources are provided to help you study and form your ideas, but exact wording from these sources cannot be cited
- Using any exact wording from the textbook, online textbook, or novel without quotation marks and proper citation
- Using paraphrasing of wording from the original source and citing it, but expressing it in words or sentence structure so similar to the original that it is almost a quotation