Seton’s Art Program
Focusing on the beautiful art of the Catholic tradition, Seton’s Art program is divided into three main areas: crafts (Grades 1 & 3), practical drawing skills (Grades 2, 4, & 6), and art appreciation, focusing mostly on the masters of religious art (Grades 5, 7, & 8).
Every Catholic student is an heir to the greatest artistic patrimony in the history of the world. A love and understanding of the principles of artistic representations and of the great masterpieces of the Catholic world will help students aspire to greatness and aid in their contemplation of the deepest mysteries of our Faith. Seton’s Art courses are designed to inspire children to engage their own artistic creativity and to provide them with the fundamental building blocks to create and recognize beauty in the world around them.
Art and Poetry K
Art and Poetry K is an entirely new book and course. The book shows a work of art and an associated poem for each week. The lesson plans are extensive, and help guide the student in appreciating the art and poetry, as well as providing a related craft or art project for each week. It includes an activity pack with the necessary paper cut-outs and coloring pages.
The new book and resources add substantial value for parents. The lesson plans alone have over 100 pages.
Art 1
In Art 1 for Young Catholics, children learn about their Faith through art. Each lesson highlights a major holy day, feast day, or season for the liturgical year. The text is filled with creative art activities for the young Catholic.
Lessons include patterns for making cut-outs, pop-ups, and other displays, step-by-step instructions, prayers, and information about the lesson’s theme.
Art 2
In Art 2 for Young Catholics, children learn to draw using a step-by-step format. All forty-nine lessons use religious references to introduce a simple drawing technique.
The lesson serves as catechetical instruction as well. Children learn to draw clouds, trees, fire, insects, animals, and people.
Art 3
In Art 3 for Young Catholics, students complete 28 fun projects using household or readily available materials such as clay, paints, and paper.
The unit on paper, for example, has projects on making a mobile, a silhouette, origami pinwheel, and pop-up animals. The book concludes with instruction on art appreciation using various styles of art, such as terra cotta, oil paintings, and stained glass, as examples.
Art 4
In Art 4 for Young Catholics, skills are developed and perfected, including hand-to-eye coordination, manual dexterity, and visual perception.
Students review the drawing of different kinds of lines, and learn about colors and color value, harmony and contrast, dimension, symmetry, contour, texture, symbolism, balance, design, and shading.
Art 5
In Art 5 for Young Catholics: The Rosary in Art, children learn the Catholic principles that went into the techniques of religious art.
The theme of the book is the “Mysteries of the Rosary,” as beautifully depicted by the world’s greatest artists. Description of technique, scene, and color accompanies each picture, with a special emphasis on religious symbolism.
Art 6
Art 6 for Young Catholics is a “How to” art workbook. Children learn to master the artist’s grid and other fundamentals using practical tips and instruction by expert artists.
The course covers topics such as: textures, contour, depth perception, symbols, shading, colors and color value, harmony and contrast, dimension and symmetry.
Art 7
In this art appreciation course, students will study New Testament scenes by renowned Victorian artist, James Tissot.
Inspired by the visions of Bl. Anne Catherine Emmerich, each picture in Art 7 for Young Catholics is accompanied by commentary and meditations written by the Catholic artist.
Art 8
In Art Through Faith, students see full color reproductions of Christianity’s greatest religious art with insightful comments to point out religious meaning.
The junior high student is introduced to the works of different artists in this truly unique collection. Artists include Fra Angelico, Bellini, Botticelli, da Vinci, Michelangelo, Raphael, Rubens, and the Pre-Raphaelites.
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Your enrollment provides you with much more than just a box of books. It provides an accredited education, a strong support system, and a community of staff and homeschoolers who are in your corner. It provides access to academic and support counseling, grading and record keeping, and a solid Catholic curriculum that promotes strong Catholic values in each and every subject.
Catholic Materials
All of our books and materials are thoroughly Catholic, from beginning to end.