Seton Financial Aid
Transforming Lives Through Catholic EducationIntroduction
Our financial aid funds are very limited, but we do try to offer a little assistance where we can for families in the greatest financial need. Seton is a non-profit school, and as far as we know from data from the Niche national school database, of all of the schools that actually charge tuition, we have the lowest tuition of any school in the United States. We do everything we can to make tuition affordable. Usually when we are able to help, the maximum amount of aid is usually only in the 20% of tuition range.
Who Should Apply
In 2023, we were able to provide aid for about 400 students. While that might sound like a lot, Seton has over 14,000 enrolled students, so it is only about the 3% in the most serious need. Our financial aid program exists because we hate the idea that a child wouldn’t be able to receive a Catholic education because of financial issues. Authentic Catholic education is so important, we especially want to reach those who wouldn’t be able to enroll without some aid. Most of the families who receive aid are below the U.S. federal poverty line. There are other unusual hardships which we also take into consideration. If you really do need aid, please ask. We want to help. If you can afford to enroll and get by without it, we would ask you to refrain from applying so that those in more dire need have funds available. Usually we are not able to offer aid to families making more than 150% of the federal poverty line.
How to Apply
We don’t have an official application form for financial aid, but we simply ask everyone who needs to apply to send us an email and give a little explanation of your financial situation and the causes of the financial hardship. This allows us to better determine how much exactly we would be able to offer and ensure aid is going to those most in need. Providing a rough estimate of family income is especially useful. The email address is We treat your privacy very seriously. All requests need to be submitted by email.
What to Expect from the Admissions Office
There are no deadlines to apply for financial aid, but if you are in a hurry to receive your shipment, please apply early. It often takes us a week or more to review your request, especially in our busy enrollment season of July-September. We will reply to your email to let you know if we have any additional questions or whether or not we are able to offer your students financial aid. If we are able to make you an offer, we would specify the amount being offered for each student and provide you instructions on how to have that applied to your enrollment.

What Information to Include in Your Email:
1. Your name and the students’ names and grade levels they would be entering for whom you are requesting aid
2. Whether you have been enrolled with Seton before, and if you have, please include your Seton Family ID Number
3. The estimate of your tuition without aid. You can view our Cost page HERE for a rough estimate or you can start to fill out an online enrollment application HERE to get an exact amount
4. An explanation of your financial circumstances. This should be a written description that helps us get an overall view, but specifically mentions particular causes of hardship like unemployment, unexpected major medical bills, natural disaster damage.
5. A rough numerical estimate of total family income for the year. We don’t need documentation.
If you or someone you know would like to donate to Seton’s Scholarship Fund so that we are able to help more families in need receive financial aid, please click the link to the donation page HERE.