When a student graduates from Seton Home Study School, he is steeped in his Catholic Faith and is academically prepared for the challenges of college or the workforce.
Catholic Identity
A graduate leaves Seton with a love of his Faith, seeking to live it daily. In conjunction with a strong academic background, an established prayer life, regular reception of the sacraments, and a Catholic moral compass are the strengths and characteristics of a truly successful Seton graduate. With these tools, a Seton graduate is able to explain to others why he chooses to live his Faith in today’s complex world.
Finally, a Seton graduate is able to recognize the truths of his Faith reflected throughout all academic disciplines. With this awareness of his Faith, the graduate advances forward into the world.

College and Career
A Seton graduate has developed a wide and deep knowledge base, a proficiency in the acquisition of knowledge, and the ability to analyze, shape, and present concepts. After a successful completion of Seton’s demanding academic program, a graduate feels emboldened to embrace any academic or vocational challenge.
Additionally, a Seton graduate retains his education for life, having found satisfaction in the riches of knowledge and wisdom that he learned while at Seton. For the Seton graduate, this appreciation for the life of the intellect translates into an eagerness to work hard in any academic or vocational discipline outside of Seton and thus create a character desirable in the workforce.