Seton Home Study school will be at the March for Life in Washington DC on Friday, January 24, 2020.
We invite our students and families to march with us and support the rights of the unborn.
Join Seton at the March for Life January 24, 2020.
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The March for Life in January makes for a wonderful opportunity to focus on pro-life issues in the homeschool. As Catholics, we are always concerned with pro-life causes, but the March for Life provides a tangible occasion to discuss these matters with our children.
Since it is so important to preserve our children’s innocence for as long as possible, these conversations can be difficult yet the reality of the world we live in must be faced.
For a five-year-old to understand that not all mamas want their babies is a harsh reality. However, couched in the terms that all babies should be born and raised by people who love them is more gentle, satisfies the questions, and focuses on the positive.
The Papal Prayer intentions this month is that all people of goodwill promote peace and justice in the world. Since all pro-life issues start with justice, this is a good conversation opener for the children old enough to discuss such things. Is it just to decide that someone’s life should end for the sake of a woman’s convenience?
The pro-life movement comes from the Catholic Church’s fundamental and unequivocal stand on issues pertaining to the protection of life from conception to natural death.
“Human life must be respected and protected absolutely from the moment of conception. From the first moment of his existence, a human being must be recognized as having the rights of a person – among which is the inviolable right of every innocent being to life.” Catechism of the Catholic Church 2270
Going to the March
If going to the national March for Life or a local one is a possibility, then we urge you do so. Seton staff and students will be in Washington D.C. with a banner (details on back cover) and we would love for you to join us. If you are unable to join a March, then you might take your children to Mass on that day (January 24th) or on January 22nd, the Day of Prayer for the Legal Protection of the Unborn in the United States.
Consider involving little ones by donating baby clothes to your local Life center, by shopping for diapers and other supplies to donate, by drawing pictures and cards to send to the Sisters of Life with a small donation. Something as simple as bringing a meal to a mom of a new (or not so new) baby is an act of love that recognizes that babies and families are to be cherished.
Catholic homeschoolers and Seton families in particular are poised to change the culture. Each prayer, donation, and step along the route, brings us all closer to a world where all life is welcomed and cherished. May we live to see it.