Catholic Homeschooling

Catholic Homeschooling Pre-K to Grade 12 ElementaryHigh School Seton Websites Seton Websites Seton is an accredited distance school assisting homeschooling parents by providing an academically excellent and authentically Catholic curriculum. Our entire staff here at...


Catholic Homeschool Curriculum Seton’s Spelling Program Proper spelling is a critical component in developing strong communication and reading skills. Seton’s Spelling for Young Catholics series runs from First through Eighth Grades, and includes...

Seton Graduation 2020

Seton Graduation 2020 May 23, 2020 The graduation is currently postponed and will not occur in May. If possible, we plan to hold the graduation in either late July or early August at Skyline High School in Front Royal. We will not know until late June whether this new...

High School Mathematics Department

Business & Computers English Foreign Languages Theology Social Studies Math Science Catholic Homeschool Curriculum High School Mathematics Department Algebra and Geometry in particular are essential building blocks for a basic understanding of math and science in...

Computer Literacy

Computer Literacy Catholic Homeschool High School Course Explore Other Business Courses Seton’s Computer Literacy course teaches students the basics of how to use a computer. It starts with the fundamental concepts needed to understand computers, such as the...