Seton Scholarship Fund

Seton Scholarship Fund 2024 Transforming Lives Through Catholic Education Introduction At Seton Home Study School, we firmly believe in the power of a high-quality Catholic education to transform lives and shape future leaders. Our mission is to make this education...

The Early Church and the Fathers

The Early Church and the Fathers Catholic Homeschool High School Course Explore Other Theology Courses In The Early Church and the Fathers, students are immersed in the first centuries of Christianity, studying the historical events that shaped the beginning of the...

2016 Seton Graduation

2016 Seton Graduation Videos and Highlights Dr. Clark's 2016 Message to Graduates Each one of these graduates represents an achievement for a student, an achievement for parents, an achievement for a family, and a wonderful achievement for the Catholic Church. So...

Recommended Course Schedule

Recommended Course Schedule Seton has Subject Credit Requirements to receive a diploma option which presents the total courses needed by the end of High School, but in order to give you a better idea of what each of your years with Seton might look like, we have the...


Catholic Homeschool Curriculum Seton’s English Program Seton is renowned for its superior English curriculum. Proper grammar and usage are taught as the foundation of all sentence writing, in which sentence diagramming, a practice sadly abandoned by many...