High School Business Department

Business & Computers English Foreign Languages Theology Social Studies Math Science Catholic Homeschool Curriculum Business & Computers While the liberal arts are the focus of High School, it is very valuable to have marketable skills. Seton offers elective...

High School Theology Department

Business & Computers English Foreign Languages Theology Social Studies Math Science Catholic Homeschool Curriculum Theology The whole work of education is necessarily and essentially connected between preparing man for what he must be eternally and what he must...

High School English Department

Business & Computers English Foreign Languages Theology Social Studies Math Science Catholic Homeschool Curriculum High School English In order to achieve the end goal of developing good communication skills in each student, Seton incorporates a carefully planned...

College Partner Program

Learn More About Seton’s Catholic College Partners Our College Partners Info Request Form College Prep Info Seton College Partners is a way to encourage our students to continue their Catholic education by attending a solidly Catholic College after high school....

Our Story

Seton's History In 1983, the newly created Seton Home Study School boasted only 50 students. Just ten years later, Seton already had a total enrollment of 4,500. Today, there are over 15,000 enrolled students, an additional 25,000 students who use Seton materials, and...