From the Director

Letter from the Director Dear Parent,As you begin your homeschooling journey, I want to thank you. Over the years, our counselors and I have received the thanks of thousands of Catholic parents. But, the real thanks belong to you.Many people look in books or movies to...


Testimonials Seton is proud of the praise we have received from academics, graduates, and enrolled families.  These testimonials speak to the proven record Seton has maintained for providing students with all they need for academic success. What Colleges Say I have a...

Houghton Mifflin Geometry

Houghton Mifflin Geometry Catholic Homeschool High School Course Explore Other Math Courses (Textbook temporarily unavailable. Only enroll in this course if you already own the required textbook.)Houghton Mifflin is a course in classical Geometry taught in a...

Independent Study

Independent Study All students have unique learning needs. There are times when Seton students would like to take a course outside of Seton, yet still have Seton oversight and recognition on their Seton transcript. For instances such as these, Seton’s Independent...

Instilling a Love of Writing

Instilling a Love of Writing by Dr. Mary Kay Clark The only way to learn to ride a bike is to ride, the only way to learn to read is to read, and the only way to learn to write is to write. Just like riding a bike or reading, writing is a skill that needs to be...