Catholic Homeschooling in Illinois

Accredited Catholic Homeschooling in Illinois Welcome, Illinois families! Are you seeking a flexible, faith-filled, and academically rigorous education for your child? Our accredited, Catholic curriculum ensures that your child receives a robust education, aligned...

Why Enroll?

Why Enroll? The Value of Your Enrollment Your enrollment provides you with much more than just a box of books. It provides an accredited education, a strong support system, and a community of staff and homeschoolers who are in your corner. It provides access to...

Elementary FAQs

Elementary FAQs When can I enroll my children for school? Enrollment can be done at any time of the year.   Do I need to take any entrance exam? When first enrolling, it is recommended that students entering 2-8 Grades take an assessment test so you can be...

Catholic Homeschooling in New Jersey

Accredited Catholic Homeschooling in New Jersey Welcome, New Jersey families! Are you seeking a flexible, faith-filled, and academically rigorous education for your child? Our accredited, Catholic curriculum ensures that your child receives a robust education, aligned...

High School Theology Department

Business & Computers English Foreign Languages Theology Social Studies Math Science Catholic Homeschool Curriculum Theology The whole work of education is necessarily and essentially connected between preparing man for what he must be eternally and what he must...