Home Schooling Based on Catholic Church Teaching

Home Schooling Based on Catholic Church Teaching More information may be found in Responsibilities & Rights of Parents in Religious Education, available for only $2 from Seton Educational Media. Does the Catholic Church allow home schooling? Absolutely, yes! In...

Baltimore Catechism

Baltimore Catechism Let’s face it. Many professional religious educators do not want home schooling parents using the Baltimore Catechism. Such officials and educators, while not exactly fond of the new universal Catechism, may use the new Catechism as an unwitting...

SetonOnline: Digital Courses for High School

SetonOnline Digital CoursesThese new courses combine the traditional homeschooling experience with cutting-edge online tools that deepen and enrich homeschooling for both students and parents. Choose the amount of online use that is right for you.   Families have...

2023 Seton Graduation Event Details

Seton High School 2023 Graduation Info  June 17, 2023 If you would like to receive graduation updates via text message, text grad23 to 877-694-0583. Front Royal, Virginia Front Royal is located almost exactly at the intersection of Interstates 81 and 66 in north...

Preparing Children for the Sacraments

Preparing Children for the Sacraments: Some Controversies and Suggestions Edward Peters, JCD Most Catholics receive Baptism, Confirmation, and the Eucharist while they are still children under parental authority. Usually, of course, the process of preparing young...