March for Life

Seton Home Study school will be at the March for Life in Washington DC on Friday, January 24, 2020.We invite our students and families to march with us and support the rights of the unborn. Join Seton at the March for Life January 24, 2020. Subscribe Below to Receive...

Recommended Course Schedule

Recommended Course Schedule Seton has Subject Credit Requirements to receive a diploma option which presents the total courses needed by the end of High School, but in order to give you a better idea of what each of your years with Seton might look like, we have the...

Home Schooling Based on Catholic Church Teaching

Home Schooling Based on Catholic Church Teaching More information may be found in Responsibilities & Rights of Parents in Religious Education, available for only $2 from Seton Educational Media. Does the Catholic Church allow home schooling? Absolutely, yes! In...


Catholic Homeschool Curriculum Seton’s Reading Program Using the Faith and Freedom Reader series that was so popular in Catholic schools in the middle of the 20th Century as an anchor, Seton’s Reading program focuses on gradual comprehension improvement...


InternationalServing families from across the globe. Though Seton is located in the United States, we serve homeschooling families from all across the world. This page provides particular information about a few countries in which we have students, as well as...