Click here for the Entrance Writing Sample for new Seton high school students. 

Options for submitting the Entrance Writing Sample

(Please choose only one option)

  1. You can do your composition using word-processing software such as Microsoft Word or WordPerfect, and email the file to
  2. The assignment can be printed out, completed and mailed to Seton. Our mailing address is:
    Seton Home Study School
    1350 Progress Drive
    Front Royal, VA 22630-6425
  3. Submit using the online form

    The following will help Seton gauge your student's overall ability to express thoughts in writing. No grade is given, and you will not be contacted unless there are weaknesses in the writing that we wish to review with you.

    Directions: Write three paragraphs of at least five sentences each about a book you have read recently. Use proper punctuation, capitalization, grammar, and spelling.
    In the first paragraph, describe the primary challenge the main character faces in the book. (If a book has several principal characters, choose only one.) Does he or she overcome the challenge or fail? How?
    In the second paragraph, write about the main character's personality. Pick at least one of his or her character traits, name the trait, and give an example from the story where the character displays the trait. (An example should be a specific incident or scene from the story.)
    In the third paragraph, explain a life lesson the character learns by the end of the book.

    NOTE: Please type your composition in a text editor or word processor and then copy and paste the text into the text area below. This will ensure your composition is not lost should your browser or internet connection stop working.
    This is a text-only form. Special formatting will be removed from the text.